Ibrahimovic backs Fonseca and welcomes Morata: Milan reborn with new challenges

Redazione Fonbet
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27 Jul - 21:40 • Read time1' min

With Fonseca at the helm and Morata’s arrival, Ibrahimovic dispels any doubts and aims for a new winning era for Milan

Zlatan Ibrahimovic has always spoken only when there was truly something to say, and his approach hasn't changed now that he has swapped his boots for a suit and tie. While other teams were securing new coaches - Gasperini renewed with Atalanta, Conte embraced Napoli, Thiago Motta joined Juventus, and Pioli was ready for Saudi Arabia - Milan quietly worked on choosing Stefano Pioli's successor.

The arrival of Paulo Fonseca on the Milan bench was more than just a rumor, but many fans expected a more high-profile name. Above all, they awaited a decisive word from Ibrahimovic, who had received the keys to Milanello from Gerry Cardinale.

A month ago, during a press conference, Ibrahimovic delivered a few concise but significant words, marking the beginning of Fonseca's Milan adventure. The controversies were brushed aside, and the choice of the new coach was clarified, with the focus immediately shifting to the transfer market.

Today, during the presentation of Alvaro Morata, Ibrahimovic didn't miss the opportunity to express his thoughts: "I told Morata that Milan is the perfect place for him. He is the player we were looking for, and he will have teammates around him who will highlight his qualities."

Signed by someone who has scored over 500 goals in his career.