Tennis: the optical revolution of tennis balls. From white to yellow

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15 Oct - 18:33 • Read time2' min

The importance of the felt covering and players’ control during service: all the secrets revealed

At least once in your life, you’ve probably wondered why tennis balls are yellow. Let’s take a step back to the 1970s. Before 1972, tennis was played with white balls. The issue of the color was raised by David Attenborough, a television commentator, when Wimbledon aired its first color broadcast on the BBC in 1967. Why not introduce yellow balls, which are brighter on television and more visible to the audience?

Thus, "Optic Yellow" was introduced for tennis balls by the International Tennis Federation in 1972. The journey of tennis ball colors had come a long way, from cork or wool balls to rubber-cored balls wrapped in tightly woven fabric similar to felt, either white or black, until the arrival of the yellow ball.

At Wimbledon, the traditional white ball was used until 1986, after which the optic yellow balls were adopted. Despite the color change, the tennis ball itself has remained the same, with a diameter ranging from 6.54 to 6.86 centimeters and a weight between 56 and 59.4 grams. It consists of a pressurized hollow rubber core covered with felt.

The felt covering plays a crucial role in allowing players to better control their shots. Without it, the ball would fly off uncontrollably. Thanks to the felt, the racket strings grip the ball, enabling players to control their shots and add spin as desired. Felt also contributes to the ball’s air resistance, reducing its speed and bounce.

Control over the ball during service is vital for tennis players. Even the smallest detail on the ball’s surface matters, and players always inspect the ball’s condition carefully. Any sign of wear on the ball can make a significant difference. A worn ball can take unpredictable trajectories or cause issues with its bounce consistency on the court. That’s why players often discard a ball just after serving during their service games.